Sunday, June 8, 2008

Figure Drawing


It's been a while since my last post so I decided to put some sketches up.

Sunday, March 2, 2008


One of the those faces that draws itself.

Sunday Sketch

I used to work at Houlihan's in Paramus. While I was there I drew some caricatures of my co-workers and some of the managers. The caricatures were well received and some of the caricatures of the managers are still, in fact, hanging up in the office. Last week, I received an email, from my buddy Saad, requesting that I draw one of their newer managers to hang up in the office. A request that wont go denied. So, from a photograph that was sent to me I sketched this out today and am very happy with the result. I usually struggle for a little while drawing from photographs but this one I was able bang out with a little quickness.

Send me another, Saad!

Thursday, February 28, 2008

New Work Sketches

Even though I get yelled at all the time for drawing at work I still manage every now and then to finish a caricature of a coworker. I did these three in the last couple of days. I've given away so many caricatures at work without scanning them in to my computer. Im trying to make more of an effort these days to save a copy for myself.




Monday, February 25, 2008

Barry Bonds

Saturday, February 23, 2008

Celeb Sketches

Haven't posted in a while. Here a few sketches from my sketchbook that I did last night.

Saturday, January 26, 2008

Sal the Barber

This is a recent commission I just completed for Sal's family in North Jersey. Sal has been a barber for sixty five years and is celebrating his eightieth birthday in February. His family is going to surprise him with this caricature so I hope he likes it. Yes , that is Abraham Lincoln getting his haircut. Or, should I call Abe (pinky to mouth). Sorry, couldn't resist.

Friday, January 11, 2008

Caricatures as Presents

Wedding Couple, 2007, 11"x 14"
A friend from work recently hired me to do this one for her brother and her new sister-in-law as a Christmas present. I enjoyed drawing this one and look forward to doing more commissions like this.

Marilyn Monroe

Marilyn, 2007
I used a heavier paper that gave it a grainy effect that I really like.


Dusk, 2007, oil crayon on black construction paper, 8.5" x 11"
This was done from a photograph I took at dusk right on the Hackensack river. Anybody will tell you what a dirty, smelly river it is but we all have our moments.

Thursday, January 10, 2008

First Post

Hello everyone . Welcome to my new blog. I've wanted to start a blog for a while and I am very excited to have a place where I can share my art with others who would not normally get a chance to see it. My aim is to inspire others just one fraction of the amount that I've been inspired by other artists blogs over the last year. I hope you enjoy viewing the work as much as I enjoyed creating it.

Self-Portrait, 2007